Category Archives: SEO
Effective Keyword Strategy & Use For Great SEO Results
As any solid SEO strategist knows, an effective content marketing strategy involves a lot of keyword research. In fact, content marketing really commences with keyword research as it serves as the foundation & backbone for all your campaigns. Of course your brand and your products would serve as the nucleus beneath this research. So what's ... Read more
Local Search Insight: Don’t Miss Your Local Listing!
The importance of Local SEO for small businesses in cities is vital to stay ahead of their competition as well as to simply be found. I was chatting with a friend the other day about his Local SEO tactics and it reminded me of a somewhat recent report that highlighted the cost of having incorrect ... Read more
The Best Free Marketing Tool You Don’t Use
As an online marketing professional who helps companies with their online marketing needs (SEO, social media, mobile marketing, etc.), I have noticed an interesting and somewhat alarming trend in the online marketing world. I have found over the years that my clients for the most part consistently do not take advantage of Google's Webmaster Tools. ... Read more
Is Your Service Remarkably Good or Bad?
When was the last time you had really great service or even poor service? I was thinking about this earlier today when I pulled into a full service gas station which I rarely do. Anyway, the gentleman was cordial and asked what type of gas and if he should fill it up and the transaction ... Read more
Selling in an Online World- The New Art of Listening
Anyone remember their first sale? Isn't kind of remarkable how much has changed in the past decade and some. Back in my early to mid twenties, I had a laptop for sales presentations and I used to have to dial in with a phone cord to access the snail like internet back then for on ... Read more