Tag Archives: online marketing

Content Marketing- Why Blogs Matter & Are Effective Today

  Hey marketers, here is a great read I viewed yesterday from SocialMediaExaminer.com.  With all of the buzz about how pervasive and necessary Social Media is today, this is a very interesting post about how effective blogs are today.  It is quite clear from the research report highlighted below that blogs still carry a lot of ... Read more

Start Up 101- The Most Common Mistake in Start Ups

I think that most would agree and most studies support the simple fact that most start ups fail due to lack of funds and communication breakdown. In my experience in start ups, I have been fortunate to be a part of successful ones and ones that have failed. In the ones that have gone sour ... Read more

Defining SEO Today

Just read this post on SearchEngineWatch by Krista LaRiviere and wanted to pass it along. As SEO keeps changing and evolving, defining it has become somewhat of a challenge, but this should help. The way we market, sell and deliver SEO services has undoubtedly changed. Google's algorithm updates have made content marketing and social media the core ... Read more

Local Mobile Marketing Tactics- Geo-Fencing 101

            With today's location based technologies, marketers can really hone in precisely on their target market.  Online marketers can engage with an audience in real time today knowing exactly where that audience is and measure their behavior.  Due to the fact that such a large percentage of our population has a mobile phone with GPS built ... Read more

The Evolution of Content Marketing

  A 1900 advertisement for Pears soap. "Good morning. Have you used Pears' soap?" Most of us have probably never even heard this slogan or know what Pear's Soap is.  Thomas Barratt, the so called father of modern advertising scripted this copy and made this slogan quite famous in London back in the late 19th century.  Soon enough ... Read more